VINTONET - Full Stack Developer (Internship) 🚀

During the period of February 1st, 2021 to June 2nd, 2021, I had the opportunity to work with VINTONET as a Full Stack Developer intern. The project I was tasked with was the design and creation of web and mobile tools for operating medical practices. This project was a great opportunity for me to apply my skills in web development and gain valuable experience in a real-world setting. It was an exciting and challenging experience for me as it allowed me to work with different technologies and apply them to build a functional and user-friendly web and mobile application for medical practices.

Project Description:

The project was designed to provide medical practices with web and mobile tools to help them operate more efficiently. The tools were built using Laravel and React, two popular and powerful technologies in web development. In the conception phase, I utilized UML diagrams to plan and design the project. Additionally, I also used Chakra-UI, a popular component library for React, and React-query, a powerful library for fetching and caching data in React. The goal was to create a seamless and intuitive experience for medical practices to manage their operations.

Technical Skills:

This project allowed me to develop my skills in various technologies, including UML diagrams 📊, Laravel 💻, React 🔥, SQL 📉, Chakra-UI 📱 and React-query 🔍. I was able to apply my knowledge in these technologies to build a functional and user-friendly web and mobile application for medical practices.


I had the opportunity to work with a talented team at VINTONET. It was a great experience to work with other professionals and learn from them. The team was very supportive and provided guidance throughout the project. The collaboration with my colleagues was one of the main highlights of this experience, as I was able to learn from their expertise and feedback.

Code availability:

The code for this project is available on GitHub repository : Feel free to check it out! 🔍


Overall, this was a great opportunity for me to work on a real-world project and develop my skills in various technologies. I am grateful for the experience and the opportunity to work with VINTONET. Unfortunately, there is no gallery or logo available for this project. But I believe that this is a great addition to my portfolio and I'm excited to apply these skills in my next project. I have learned a lot, and I feel more confident in my ability to tackle similar projects in the future.🚀💻📊

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HTML🎨CSSJavaScript🌠✨TypeScript✨PHP⚛️React🔥Jhipster NodeJS⚡️Chakra-UiReact-queryLumen🦊 Gitlab 🦊